We achieve personal and common goals by constantly educating ourselves.

Continuing education is not just a buzzword for us, but the foundation of our work. Learn skills for your everyday life in the agile environment at aka – with joy, from experts.

aka – short form for "academy" and "also known as"

aka — but why? We don't expect our employees to join us fully trained because there is no such thing as fully trained. Instead, we want to share our expertise with each other and thus benefit from our strengths together.

  • Eva, Werkstudentin Frontend in Stuttgart
  •  » The programme was dynamic and varied. What I found most exciting was the pair programming with subsequent code review and joint refactoring. «


    Eva – Working student Frontend about the basic training in software development


  • Harald, Softwareentwickler in München
  • » Our trainer Pascal had an answer to every question and at the end we participants were also able to tackle concrete challenges. So, rating 'recommendable'! «


    Harald – Software Developer
    about the Docker Basis training


  • Matthias, Softwareentwickler in Bonn
  • » My central insight, everything in software architecture is a trade-off. This knowledge can help us get to the bottom of decisions and become better. «


    Matthias – Software Developer
    about the Architecture Essentials training


Sharing is learning.

And we love to share what we have learned. In our internal weeklies, exciting and new topics from the domains are presented and discussed. Talk um Vier is the platform for a cultivated exchange on a wide variety of topics from the domains. The UX After Work offers a creative balance after the working day. Here, new methods/techniques can be tested outside of the project.

You want to know more about aka, talk about a cooperation or are interested in a training?

Feel free to send us an email and we will get back to you.

Share knowledge
