Mastering intermediate human challenges.

Whether dealing confidently with conflictual situations or convincing listeners in a presentation, our work requires competent communication.

How do I create understanding for my position? How do I recognise opportunities and good compromises? We offer the appropriate training to become more confident in leading discussions.

Soft skills – our training offer

  • On the Job Training –
    How to Feedback

    Basic training

    In this format, we not only focus on the basics of giving and receiving feedback, but also use situational role plays to try out different communication tools. By reflecting together afterwards, we can derive individual team agreements and make you fit for the future when it comes to feedback!

  • Customer Communication I

    Basic training

    This training is for all those who want to become more confident in conducting conversations. You will learn methods which we will then try out together in role plays and gain insights into different scenarios as well as Dos & Don'ts. Afterwards you will be prepared for solution-oriented conversations with clients.


  • Argumentation &
    Discussion Training

    Basic training

    ... for developers. You can look forward to role-playing because we will put ourselves in the situations we avoid most in everyday life. Together we will look at the possibilities of argumentation and work out which of them make sense. After this training, you will recognise opportunities and good compromises.


  • Customer Communication II

    Advanced training

    This training is for all those who are practised in leading conversations and want to communicate more confidently and convincingly with difficult interlocutors or in difficult situations. We will try out methods and techniques for the real thing, so that you can crack even the most difficult candidates. Afterwards you will be prepared for critical conversations with customers.


» The training showed me that active listening is the key to understanding someone correctly. I was amazed at how different techniques and questions can be a great help in this. «

Max – software developer about the training Professional Customer Communication

to read

Getting to Yes — Roger Fisher, William Ury

Made to Stick — Chip & Dan Heath

Predictably Irrational — Dan Ariely

The Psychology of Persuasion — Roberto B. Cialdini

Thanks for the Feedback — Sheila Hen

Want Quick Answers? Ask Questions Well! – “You can make communication more useful and less frustrating with relatively little effort. Not every question needs a call, not every answer needs to be preceded by lots of back and forth.“

The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well – “With humor and clarity, the authors Stone and Heen blend the latest insights from neuroscience and psychology with practical, hard-headed advice.“

Nudge – Wie man kluge Entscheidungen anstößt – "How do you get people to act sensibly? How, for example, do you get them to take care of their old-age provision, live in an environmentally conscious way or eat healthily? In a vivid and entertaining way, Nobel Prize winner in economics Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein present a new approach to behavioural economics that is already shaping thinking and action in politics and business."

You want to know more about aka, talk about a cooperation or are interested in a training?

Feel free to send us an email and we will get back to you.
