We aim to be fully equipped for our projects, both now and in the future, striking a balance between quality, speed, and costs. While new tools and technologies offer potential benefits, gaining expertise through experimentation takes time. Hence, we invest in training to empower our developers in making informed technical decisions.
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know — Kevlin Henney
Clean Code — Robert C. Martin
The Path to Becoming a Software Architect — Nikolay Ashanin
Fundamentals of Software Architecture — "Salary surveys worldwide regularly place software architect in the top 10 best jobs, yet no real guide exists to help developers become architects. Until now."
Article series: Simplify! — About the author's motivation: "When I look around, I see two evolutions that in combination worry me a lot: IT has become an indispensable part of everyday business and private life - and the complexity on the IT solution side grows all the time. Therefore, I wrote a blog series that discusses this evolution, its effects and what we can do about it."
The Scribe's Oath & Expecting Professionalism — Robert Martin
Test Smells and Fragrances — Kevlin Henney
Software Architecture Monday — Learning videos about aspects of software architecture on the Developer to Architect knowledge platform.
The Architect Elevator: Connecting IT and the Boardroom — "This session prepares architects to "ride the elevator" between the IT engine room, where software is built, and the boardroom, where executive decisions are made. Learn from customer examples how developing a deeper understanding of a system's architecture allows you to communicate clearly to a diverse set of stakeholders."
Making Architecture Matter — "In the software world, architecture often gets a bad reputation. Martin Fowler talks about why it matters, and how we can pay attention to it without falling into traps."
SE-Radio - Podcast with experts from the world of software engineering