Designing software with the future in mind.

We aim to be fully equipped for our projects, both now and in the future, striking a balance between quality, speed, and costs. While new tools and technologies offer potential benefits, gaining expertise through experimentation takes time. Hence, we invest in training to empower our developers in making informed technical decisions.

Development – our trainings

  • Clean Code

    Basic Training 

    Through practical examples, you will learn what constitutes clean code, which everyday problems we encounter, and how you can easily achieve a clear code structure that your colleagues will love.

  • Domain Driven Design

    Basic Training 

    For microservices and modular monoliths, the recommendation is to cut modules and services according to their domain. But what does that mean, and how is it done?

  • How to do the best pull request review

    Basic Training 

    This training is ideal for new SprintEins developers and anyone looking to learn more about pull request reviews. You can expect practical examples, discussions, feedback, tools, and collaboration opportunities.

  • Async JavaScript

    Basic Training

    In this training, developers will learn how to use JavaScript. Together, we'll clarify how event loop, promises, and async/await work, and explore best practices. What can you use them for, and why should you do so?

  • C#/.NET Core

    Basic Training

    Through practical examples, you will learn how C# and .NET Core function, discover best practices, implement console applications and HTTP services, and identify the necessary tools. We'll go through the topics step by step and work on them together.

  • Java/SpringBoot Dojo

    Basic Training

    Dojo is Japanese and translates to "a place where the way is practiced" – we use this weekly format to practice Java/SpringBoot together. The goal is to develop a small SpringBoot backend with SQL database connectivity and a REST API.

  • Go

    Basic Training

    Through practical examples, you'll learn the basics of Go and valuable best practices. Together, we'll set up a project, explore fundamental language features, and take a look at testing.

  • React

    Basic Training

    How does React work? What are the essential best practices and common pitfalls? In this training, you'll learn the React basics: setup (CRA, Vitejs, Parcel, SnowPack, Rollup), functional components & hooks, standard hooks, custom hooks, and backend API usage.

  • React Dojo

    Basic Training

    In this series of practical sessions, we delve into React Hooks with TDD, useMemo Hooks, and unit testing. Additionally, we explore writing and testing custom hooks, as well as refactoring class-based components into functional components.

  • Entity Framework
    (.NET ORM)

    Advanced Training

    This training is for experienced C# backend developers looking to deepen their database handling skills. It focuses on relational databases, backend API development with C#, and the Entity Framework library, covering SqLite, PostgreSQL, database design, LINQ data querying, and performance optimization.

  • Go

    Advanced Training

    The aim of this training is to become a go-to person for all questions related to development with Go. Therefore, we will focus on topics such as collision detection, Go starter kit, benchmarking, Go doc + examples, parallelism, concurrency, profiling, integration/API testing/handler testing, and database usage.

  • React

    Advanced Training

    When does re-rendering actually occur? How do I design components independent of backend calls to enable easy testing? Help – I have a performance problem! How did it arise, and how can I fix it? In this training, we delve into the depths of React and become true experts.

to read

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know — Kevlin Henney

Clean Code — Robert C. Martin

The Path to Becoming a Software Architect — Nikolay Ashanin

Fundamentals of Software Architecture — "Salary surveys worldwide regularly place software architect in the top 10 best jobs, yet no real guide exists to help developers become architects. Until now."

Article series: Simplify! — About the author's motivation: "When I look around, I see two evolutions that in combination worry me a lot: IT has become an indispensable part of everyday business and private life - and the complexity on the IT solution side grows all the time. Therefore, I wrote a blog series that discusses this evolution, its effects and what we can do about it."

to watch

The Scribe's Oath & Expecting Professionalism — Robert Martin

Test Smells and Fragrances — Kevlin Henney

Software Architecture Monday — Learning videos about aspects of software architecture on the Developer to Architect knowledge platform.

The Architect Elevator: Connecting IT and the Boardroom — "This session prepares architects to "ride the elevator" between the IT engine room, where software is built, and the boardroom, where executive decisions are made. Learn from customer examples how developing a deeper understanding of a system's architecture allows you to communicate clearly to a diverse set of stakeholders."

Making Architecture Matter — "In the software world, architecture often gets a bad reputation. Martin Fowler talks about why it matters, and how we can pay attention to it without falling into traps."

to listen

SE-Radio - Podcast with experts from the world of software engineering

You want to know more about aka, talk about a cooperation or are interested in a training?

Feel free to send us an email and we will get back to you.
