Scrum is broken! What, again?

Understand that it is for the benefit for the user. Have confidence in the experts and let them do their job. Ensure that a team does not have to struggle with processes and cumbersome tools to develop software.

Through targeted training, we learn to put a check mark on these requirements. So that we succeed in delivering useful solutions on a regular basis.

Agile mindset – our trainings

  • Self-organisation

    Basic training

    The day has only 8 hours, the week only 5 days. Somehow I am just catching up? How do I get out of it? The aim of the training is to find out what is important in self-organisation through a few tips & tools. Learn to structure and prioritise your tasks.


  • Story Mapping

    Basic Training

    You want to get an idea of user or business processes and derive requirements from them? Then you've come to the right place. Story Mapping is a technique with which the big picture of requirements can be clearly presented, starting from the user experience.


  • PO (Support)

    Basic Training

    Using practical examples from everyday agile work, you will learn how we at SprintEins support product owners in the best possible way, manage and communicate product backlogs and work together effectively in the team.


  • Scrum Master

    Basic Training

    What are my tasks as a Scrum Master? How do I remove obstacles in the project? How do I ensure the flow of information between product owner and team? In this training you will learn how you can best support and communicate in the role of Scrum Master.


  • Estimation Game

    Advanced Training

    In the agile work routine we often encounter effort estimations. In this practical training, we will simulate the estimation game and familiarize ourselves with its details.

  • Business Agility

    Advanced Training

    Business agility means that an organisation needs to change in order to be more responsive to change. In this advanced training we discuss the implications of these transformation processes.

to read

Manifesto for Agile Software Development – Basic knowledge

Fifty Quick Ideas to Improve Your User Stories – “This book will help you write better stories, spot and fix common issues, split stories so that they are smaller but still valuable, and deal with difficult stuff like crosscutting concerns, long-term effects and non-functional requirements.“

User Story Mapping – “Jeff Patton shows you how changeable story maps enable your team to hold better conversations about the project throughout the development process.“

to watch

'Monoliths vs Microservices' Is Missing The Point – “The monoliths vs microservices debate often focuses on technological aspects, ignoring strategy and team dynamics. Instead of technology, smart-thinking organizations are beginning with team cognitive load as the guiding principle for modern software.“

You want to know more about aka, talk about a cooperation or are interested in a training?

Feel free to send us an email and we will get back to you.
